Receiving a refund or exchanged item

You'll receive an email notification when your refund has been completed and it will be issued back to your original payment method. It can take 5-10 days to clear from the date we issue it.

If you paid using a buy-now-pay-later method, we'll confirm your return with the provider, and they'll get in touch with an updated payment schedule or direct refund to you.

If you paid for your whole order with a gift card, your order will be refunded onto the original payment gift card. Please do keep hold of your gift card until you are sure that you are happy with your order.  If you paid with a combination of payment card and gift card, we'll refund anything you paid for with your gift card first, and then refund any outstanding credit you are owed on to your original payment card.

If you have requested a different size/item as an exchange you will receive an email notification with your new order number for the new size/item and further updates when it has shipped.  Any exchange orders shipping to international addresses are required to purchase new shipping and a link will be sent to you via email to allow you to complete this payment.